Sunday, April 7, 2024

Future Self VS Past Self

I have an enemy that causes me more problems than any other human on earth, and that enemy is me or my past self. My future self constantly hates my past self for always doing what I shouldn't or not doing what I should. Paul must have suffered from this same dilemma in the words of Romans 7-15. I'm assuming his future self frequently wanted to slap his past self, since I possess this feeling quite often.

If I were truthful with myself, which produces a worse light shining down upon my head, I'm not entirely innocent when making these bad decisions. The problem arises that a great orator resides inside my brain.
I consider the task at hand that I don't particularly want to do, such as cleaning the kitchen. The counters are dirty and there's a crap load of dishes in the sink. It has an appearance of a truck stop kitchen (or what I imagine it would resemble). and I'm about to make the "dead (wo)man (dish washing excursion) walking," when the great orator pops up in my head and suddenly I know I shouldn't be bothered having a clean kitchen, when I obviously should continue watching The Walking Dead. What was I thinking?
Soon, I'm emerged in delightful zombie gore or the lack of it, and all is right with the world until an outsider makes an appearance in our home, and looks over at the kitchen in all it's gory

My cheeks turn pink with shame and I try to see  the kitchen through their eyes. Are they hearing Psycho music? Is there crying involved inside their minds? Meanwhile, I'm in my brain performing a kung fu battle with my past self, and the stupid orator who isn't phased at all is sitting with a smug look on his face. We both know he'll be back with the same results.

In the TV show, How I Met Your Mother, Ted often says, "let future Ted deal with it," and future Ted always states, "Damn you, past Ted."
The problem is how to make our past, present and future selves live in happiness, peace and harmony, but as Shakespeare states, "ay, there's the rub," I don't believe it will ever happen for me, but I will just let future me worry about that and spend the day reading a good zombie book or two.

crap, bad, I don't, good, stupid, don't, see, me, make, do

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